Hello, my name is Jenny. For years, I’ve struggled with anxiety, but
recent family-related challenges have triggered buried memories,
leading to my diagnosis of Complex PTSD. This condition stems from
years of childhood trauma, which has profoundly impacted my sense of
safety and self-worth. This recent re-traumatization has intensified
my symptoms, including nightmares and flashbacks, making it even
harder to trust others or feel secure in the community.
At 20, I was diagnosed with cancer—a life-altering experience that
has become a significant part of my Complex PTSD. While I’ve been
cancer-free for 25 years, the fear of recurrence still lingers. Since
my diagnosis, I’ve felt more mentally fragile than ever, and even
routine medical appointments trigger intense panic and fear of hearing
the worst - again. The weight of childhood trauma and the lingering
fear of cancer feels overwhelming at times, leaving me trapped in
cycles of panic, emotional exhaustion, and social withdrawal. Some
days, it’s incredibly difficult to leave the safety of my home.
Animals—especially dogs—have always brought me comfort and peace.
Their unconditional love and acceptance provide a sense of security
during stressful times. Pets help ground me, pulling me back to the
present moment when anxiety takes hold. My spouse and I share a deep
love for animals, and our cat fills our lives with joy.
After meeting a Kingston 4 Paws (K4Paws) service dog and hearing
their human companion’s story, I realized the transformative potential
of having a trained service dog. A service dog could give me the
confidence to participate in life outside of our home. A K4Paws
service dog can offer calming support during moments of high stress
through techniques like deep pressure or gentle nudges, that help keep
me grounded. They are trained to assist with nightmares, a frequent
and distressing symptom of my PTSD. The consistent presence of a
service dog would be life-changing, offering me the security and
relief I need during my most vulnerable moments.
I’m deeply grateful to be on the waitlist for a service dog with
K4Paws, a non-profit organization dedicated to training service dogs
to assist individuals in our community with physical and emotional
challenges, including PTSD. All funds raised for K4Paws go directly
toward training these incredible companions for people like me. Your
support will help ensure these dogs can continue changing lives,
offering confidence, stability, and peace to those who need it most.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your kindness and support.