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Item: Bring Hope to Prisoners in Malawi

A dedicated team of clergy and elders are transforming the lives of men and women imprisoned in Malawi. Travelling by public transit, the team regularly visits 17 prisons, including two in remote areas. They bring basic needs like bed mats, soap, medicine, clothes and food which provide comfort in these severely underfunded prisons. They also bring hymnbooks, Bibles and the Alpha program which give prisoners hope for the future. Your gifts and prayers will change lives.

Note: You can make a gift of another amount by choosing "Where needed most" and adjusting the quantity.

Covers transportation costs for weekly visits     $100.00 
Provides soap, sleeping mats, basic medicine, clothes and food     $50.00 
Buys a Bible and hymnbook in the Chichewa language     $25.00 
Where needed most     $10.00 


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Optional: To have a gift card sent in honour of someone special, enter their name, address and a brief message.

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