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Item: Transform Lives

PCC ministries are serving refugees, sex workers, victims of human trafficking, people living with disabilities and people struggling with mental health and addiction issues. Your gifts will help provide fellowship, prayer, meals and emotional support to transform lives.

Note: You can give a gift of another amount by choosing "Where needed most" and adjusting the quantity.

Helps support newcomers living in Canada     $200.00 
Trains congregations on mental health issues     $150.00 
Helps provide employment training     $100.00 
Buys clothes for a job or school interview     $65.00 
Where needed most     $10.00 


For item 1:
Optional: To have a gift card sent in honour of someone special, enter their name, address and a brief message.

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The Presbyterian Church in Canada
50 Wynford Drive
Toronto, Ontario M3C 1J7