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Item: Care for Children in Romania

In one of the poorest European countries, Samuel House, a ministry of the Reformed Church in Romania, cares for children in a loving Christian environment. After-school and residential programs provide nutritious meals, tutoring and playtime, helping vulnerable children know they are valued and loved. Children staying in the house return home on weekends, maintaining family ties.

Note: You can make a gift of another amount by choosing "Where needed most" and adjusting the quantity.

Provides a caregiver’s salary for one month     $500.00 
Covers a high school student’s fees for one month     $50.00 
Pays a child’s elementary school fees for one month     $25.00 
Feeds a child for a week     $20.00 
Where needed most     $10.00 


For item 1:
Optional: To have a gift card sent in honour of someone special, enter their name, address and a brief message.

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