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Item: Help a Child Discover Camp

PCC camps across the country provide a safe space for children and youth in a loving Christian community, sowing seeds of faith in a child’s young life. COVID-19 has been particularly hard on our camps, even as they have adapted by offering virtual camping experiences and day camps, when possible. Your gifts will help camping ministries across Canada continue to connect children and youth with one another and with God.

Note: You can give a gift of another amount by choosing "Where needed most" and adjusting the quantity.

Helps care for camp buildings and grounds     $200.00 
Supports a camp counsellor     $150.00 
Helps send a child to camp, in person or virtually     $100.00 
Where needed most     $10.00 


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Optional: To have a gift card sent in honour of someone special, enter their name, address and a brief message.

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Toronto, Ontario M3C 1J7