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Pledge-a-thon Videos

 (46 minutes)

This video tutorial includes the following topics. You can also view one chapter at a time, by clicking the chapter links below.

  1. The following mini-videos provide an understanding of the Pledge-a-thon experience for your participants and team leaders:
    • Participant video (6 minutes) - How to effectively fundraise with your personal Pledge-a-thon account.
    • Team Leader video (3 minutes) - How to motivate teams and fundraise with your team leader Pledge-a-thon account.

  2. Getting Started with Pledge-a-thon: (Chapter 1 only)
    • Privacy Policy
    • Templates & style sheets
    • Pledge-a-thon Coordinators
    • Waiver

  3. Creating a Pledge-a-thon - Part 1 - Logistics (Chapter 2 only)
    • Details & Description
    • Dates & Location
    • Tax Receipts
    • Teams & Groups

  4. Creating a Pledge-a-thon - Part 2 - Participants (Chapter 3 only)
    • Collect personal information from participants
    • Add a waiver to the registration process
    • Create registration options
    • Request an optional donation from participants
    • Sell additional items to participants
    • Ask questions to participants
    • Payment options & confirmation messages.

  5. Creating a Pledge-a-thon - Part 3 - Sponsors, Web Pages & Email Templates (Chapter 4 only)
    • Request to sponsors
    • Confirmation message to online sponsors
    • Individual & Team web pages
    • Email templates

  6. Launching your Pledge-a-thon: (Chapter 5 only)
    • Linking to your website
    • Copying a past Pledge-a-thon to create a new draft
    • Updating your thermometer.

  7. Administration (Chapter 6 only)
    • Managing participant profiles
    • Managing teams
    • Managing offline donations and pledge forms
    • Issuing tax receipts for offline donations
    • Sending emails to participants & team leaders.

  8. Pre & Post Event (Chapter 7 only)

  9. Reports (Chapter 8 only)

  10. Categories (Chapter 9 only)

  11. More Pledge-a-thon Uses (Chapter 10 only)
    • Third Party Fundraising Events
    • Single Fundraising Page

Videos to share with your participants and teams:

 (6 minutes)

How to effectively fundraise with your personal Pledge-a-thon account.

 (3 minutes)

How to motivate teams and fundraise with your team leader Pledge-a-thon account.

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