Books > Help Center > Pledge-a-thon > Essentials of Pledge-a-thon > Managing Pledge-a-thon orders, donations & pledges >  

How do I transfer an online donation to another participant?

If an online credit card donation was made to the wrong participant, you transfer the donation to another person.

  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Particpants.
  3. Choose the Pledge-a-thon name from a drop down list
  4. Change the supporter type to Sponsor (online donor).
  5. Click Search.
  6. Click Profile beside the donor's name. 
  7. In the Participant Sponsored section, select the new participant's name in the drop down list. 
  8. Click Save.
  9. This donation will know be associated with this new participant.


  • If a participant made a donation in support of their own fundraising page, during the registration process, there is no way to transfer this donation to another person. Instead, if the participant is no longer participating and wants to donation to be associated with a specific team, you can suspend the participant's fundraising page, and move the suspended participant to another team, so that the donation is included in this team's stats.
  • For an offline cash or cheque pledge, you will need to delete the pledge and add a new pledge to the correct participant either by logging into the participant's account or by importing a new pledge.

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