Books > Help Center > Canadian eTax Receipts > Canadian eTax Receipts > Reports >  

How do I download a zip file containing copies of all tax receipts issued?

You can download a zip file containing copies of all tax receipts issued by your GiftTool account during a calendar month.

  1. Click Donations to view the Main Menu of this service
  2. From the Canadian E-Tax Receipts section, choose Manage Tax Receipts.
  3. Select the month & year for your zip file.
    • Note that it's best to download a zip file for months that have already past. Otherwise your file might be incomplete, if you download the zip file before the month is over.
  4. Choose whether the file should contain all tax receipts with a donation date during this calendar month (select Donated) or all tax receipts that were created during this calendar month (select Created). Note: For online donations, the 'created' and 'donated' dates are usually the same. For manual donations, the created date is often later than the donation date.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Click Download.
    • Some browser security settings may restrict the downloading of zip files from an internet browser. You can temporarily modify your security settings to enable the download.


  • By selecting all receipts “Created” in a calendar month (instead of “Donated”), you will capture all tax receipts issued that month for donations that occurred earlier, such as the yearly tax receipts created in February for all recurring monthly or quarterly donations made during the previous calendar year.
  • By downloading the file after the month has past, you will make sure you have copies of all receipts for that calendar month.

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