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How do I change a membership with a survey to the new Ask Questions?

You can easily replace an existing Membership Survey with the new Ask Questions functionality. This change can be made at any time, even after members have begun to register online.

Step 1- Disable the Membership Survey:

  1. Click Membership to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Memberships.
  3. Click Change next to the membership you would like to modify.
  4. Click Additional Info (light blue tab).
  5. Deselect your Membership Survey
  6. Click Save.

Step 2 - Create your new Questions:

  1. From the Memberships section, click Change to get back into your membership setup.
  2. You will now see that the Additional Info tab has been changed to the Ask Questions tab.
  3. Click Ask Questions and follow the instructions to add questions.
  4. Click Save.

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