Books > Help Center > Memberships > Essentials of Membership > Administering members >  

How do I change a member's membership type?

The system does not allow you to simply switch the Membership Type for a profile, as each transaction is recorded individually to maintain the history for auditing purposes. Instead you can expire the old membership and re-register the member for the new membership, through the public page, or by importing a membership record for the existing member.

By expiring their old membership and changing the End Date to the past, these members are no longer 'Active' members in the system. You will then need to re-register them for the new Membership Type.

To expire an active membership:

  1. Click Membership to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Members.
  3. Search for a member order profile.
  4. Click Profile beside the member's name.
  5. Click Change beside the Membership to be archived.
  6. Change the Membership Status to Archive.
  7. Enter the Membership End Date by clicking the calendar icon.
  8. Click Save Membership.
    Tip: Refresh your page to see the update.

To re-register the member for the new membership, you can do one of the following:

  • OPTION A : If you wish to charge the member for the full cost of the new membership, you can simply have the member re-register using your public member registration form paying any fees by credit card, or by cheque if your form allows this payment method.

    : The existing member should use the same email address and password to retrieve & register to their existing member profile. Otherwise, if they register with a different email address and create a new password, they will be creating a new member profile in your database.

  • OPTION B : If full or partial payment has already been received, you can import a record for the new membership indicating the full or partial amount collected to date, along with the email address, first and last name as displayed in the member's profile.

    When importing a record for an existing member's profile without their password, the system will display the following error message: "Profiles not imported due to duplicate email addresses". As a next step, click Fix Profile, confirm that the name and email address are identical, and click Save & Next before completing the import.

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