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About GiftTool APIs

Generate custom solutions to meet your business needs

While GiftTool offers extensive flexibility in managing your online operations, our clients often need separate, custom-built applications that integrate with the GiftTool solution. With open access to your online transaction data, GiftTool APIs provide technical individuals the freedom to innovate and develop applications that leverage your online activities with your overall mission.

Increasingly, non-profit organizations are realizing the power of the Internet and leveraging the diverse and growing mix of online tools that support integration through Open APIs. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, provide the technical hooks that link applications together for the purpose of sharing data or creating "mashup" applications.

GiftTool is developing a series of APIs that permit clients and partner developers the option to extend their online marketing campaigns beyond the reach of GiftTool applications.

The first of the APIs to be made available is GiftTool's Transaction API. With more than nine methods available, this REST API enables third-party applications to create new constituent records, update existing records, retrieve individual constituent profiles or return a group of selected records for utilization.

Contact for further information about the following APIs:

  • Data Share API: Automatically pull data to your application when an online transaction or order modification occurs (across all GiftTool services).
  • Journal API: Automatically pull data to your application with a data request (across all GiftTool services).
  • Pledge-a-thon Thermometer API: Automatically pull pledge-a-thon fundraising data to your application with a data request.
  • Memberhsip API: Automatically pull membership data to your application with a data request.
  • Shopping Cart API: Automatically pull shopping cart data to your application with a data request.

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