Books > Help Center > Canadian eTax Receipts > Canadian eTax Receipts > Manage Canadian eTax Receipts >  

How do I enter a series of receipt numbers?
  1. Click Donations to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Canadian E-Tax Receipts section, choose Setup Receipts.
  3. Click Receipt Numbers (light grey tab). 
  4. Enter your receipt numbers by typing in the lowest number in your series in the First Number field and the highest number in your series in the Last Number field.
    • eTax Receipt Numbers can be up to 16 digits long.
    • Your receipt numbers must be formatted without any letters, dashes, etc.
    • The system will not accept numbers that begin with "0". Any leading zeros will be deleted automatically.
    • Some clients prefer to use a very high range of numbers for their GiftTool receipts (such as the 10 million block) to distinguish from their manual receipt numbers which will likely never reach these numbers. Thus preventing any unintended overlap.
  5. You can enter as many series of numbers for the eTax receipts as you need. Please ensure that none of the series overlap. GiftTool will always use the lowest number available when issuing a receipt.
  6. Click Save.

Once you have completed this step, your account is ready to automatically send out eTax receipts when an online donation is made. One-Time donors will receive an eTax receipt immediately after they make an online donation in a separate email. Recurring monthly or quarterly donors will receive an annual eTax receipt for all donations made throughout the year just in time for tax season.

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