Books > Help Center > Pledge-a-thon > Essentials of Pledge-a-thon > Creating Pledge-a-thons >  

How do I activate a Pledge-a-thon?

Activating a Pledge-a-thon moves the Pledge-a-thon to Active list. You must activate a Pledge-a-thon before making it available to the public. Regardless, the Pledge-a-thon will not be accessible until the link is placed on your website (learn how).

To activate a Pledge-a-thon:

  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Manage Pledge-a-thons.
  3. Under the Draft (or Archived) tab, locate the Pledge-a-thon in the list of draft (or archived) Pledge-a-thons. 
  4. Click Activate next to the Pledge-a-thon to be made available to the public. The Pledge-a-thon is moved to the list of active Pledge-a-thons.

NOTE: The Activate link will not appear next to the Pledge-a-thon, if it is not well formed. Review Profile to correct the problem.

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