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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Generating event reports >  

How do I view event summary reports?

There are several printer-friendly summary reports available for each event:

  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Reports section, click Reports.
  3. Select the Event Name from the drop down menu.
  4. Click the Printer-friendly HTML report icon next one of the following reports. Certain reports allow you to restrict the listing of registrants (All, Active or Archived).
    • Event Statistics
      Tallies the number of participants; registration options; sessions; and additional items sold.
    • Total Orders - Summary
      List the names of each registrant, along with their company name, registrant type, amount, and balance due. This list also provides links to individual order profiles for easy printing.
      • To view a detailed report containing all participant information in a single report, it is better to view the Excel spreadsheet report.
      • To view the details of a specific Order Profile, click the Order ID number next to the name of the registrant. 
    • On-Site Check-In List
      Order information for a particular event, with registrant information, listing paid and balances due, with notes for offline payments received.
  5. Use your computer functions, to print or save a copy of the report.
  6. Having difficulty viewing Excel reports?
  7. How do I remove my question prefacing the answer in the "Other 1" column of my Excel report?


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