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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar >  

Essentials of Event Registrar

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Today's Top 10 Articles
  1. How do I use Copy to create a new membership registration form?
  2. What is Advanced Filter Logic for Custom Reports?
  3. How do I cancel and reissue a tax receipt?
  4. How do I add a Team Listing page to my website?
  5. How do I add a thermometer image for my Pledge-a-thon to my website?
  6. Fundraising Participant & Team Leader Guides
  7. How do I enable the Fund Name or Targeted Giving Program to appear on Tax Receipts?
  8. How can I reconcile my bank statement?
  9. How do I change a membership registration form?
  10. How do I remove the questions preceding the answers in Excel?

Please note...
Your account is LIVE.
So if you would like to step through the registration process to test your form, please abort the process at the payment page. Otherwise, your registration will be processed using your credit card number, and your account will be charged the transaction fees.