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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Managing events >  

How do I send emails to event registrants?

Do you want to resend confirmation emails with the latest status of an order?  Or, send reminder emails a week before your event? Send emails to one or all of your participants from the GiftTool BackOffice.


  1. Just click Registrar > Administration: Send Messages.

    [Alternatively, Event Coordinators can access this page by clicking Registrar > Administration: Registrants > Seating (light blue tab) > select the event and click "Save & Send Messages"]

  2. Select your event from the drop down menu.
  3. Create your email by entering your subject line and email message.
      • Check the boxes at the bottom of your email message to automatically include order confirmation details specific to each registrant.
      • To include seating assignments in your message, you must first assign seating.
  4. Click View Email to view a draft copy of your email message.  Note that when sending emails, the participant name and order details will be automatically replaced by the correct data for each participants selected for this mailing.
  5. Click Next.
  6. To create your mailing list:
    • Select one or more individuals or registrant types.
    • You can narrow the list by selecting a different Registrant Status or Payment Status, and clicking Search. Useful if you wish to send reminder emails to registrants with an outstanding balance or refund.
    • Click to sort by Registrant ID, Name or Registrant Type.
  7. Click Send Email when finished.
NOTE: CASL, PIPEDA, CAN-SPAM and other Email Marketing regulations, as well as the EU GDPR, may prohibit the sending of email invitations for new events to participants of a past event, if they have not opted-in to receive your emails for other activities not associated with the original event.

You MUST confirm that your email does not contravene EU, national and local email regulations before using this feature to send messages to participants.

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