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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Event coordinators >  

What capabilities does the Event Coordinator have in the BackOffice?

The Event Coordinator you assign to an event will have certain abilities and limitations when logged into your GiftTool account.

What they can do:

  • Create a new event
  • Assign a different coordinator to their event
  • Make any required changes to their event including description, time, dates, prices and registration options
  • Modify orders including full or partial refunds, changes to session options selected
  • Process Manual Registrations
  • Assign Seating
  • Create Badges
  • Explore GiftTool's other services including Shopping Cart & Membership
  • View the list of other coordinators within the account
  • View the reports for the event to which they are assigned
  • Access GiftTool's online help system

What they cannot do:

  • View your Journal Reports
  • Make changes or access events for which they are not the coordinator
  • Create custom reports
  • Make changes to the username or password for other coordinators within your account
  • View reports for any event other than the event to which they are assigned

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