Books > Help Center > Memberships > Essentials of Membership > Creating a membership registration form >  

How do I use Copy to create a new membership registration form?

GiftTool makes it simple for you to quickly create multiple membership registration forms. Saving you the need to build each form from scratch.

Copying a membership lets you create a new membership based on the setup of an existing membership. By copying a membership, it also ensures that you start with a clean database with no members listed in the membership reports.

To create a copy of an existing membership form:

  1. Click Membership to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Membership. The membership form which you wish to copy will appear in either your Draft, Active or Archived folder.
  3. Click Profile beside the membership form to be duplicated.
  4. Click Copy located at the bottom of the profile.
  5. If your membership is setup to start on a specific date, you will be prompted to select the Membership Start Date.
  6. Click Save Membership Copy.
    • Your copy of this membership will appear in your Draft Membership folder in the Manage section. The copy will have a new Membership ID, and [Copy] will appear at the front of the Membership title. You can now modify the copy and activate the new form, prior to launch.
    • If you have included a member survey in your existing form, this member survey will NOT be automatically added to your new copied membership form.  Instead you must change the new copied membership form and attach the member survey under the Additional Information tab.

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