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Adding a Category Thermometer elsewhere on your website

In addition to adding the category thermometer to the category Welcome page, you may also want to embed the thermometer elsewhere on your website or in promotional emails.

To add a category thermometer image elsewhere on your website:

  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the main menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Manage Categories.
  3. Click Profile next to the category of interest.
  4. Locate the Thermometer URL link and copy the full http:// address (double click the URL link to highlight the text and right-click on the mouse selecting Copy).
  5. Paste the link into your website.
  6. Alternatively, you can copy the Thermometer Image Tag and paste it directly into the HTML code of your web page.
  7. By changing the Image URL, you can change the way that the thermometer is displayed (e.g. change the Goal to another amount, change the title shown above the thermometer, etc). To change the Image URL:
    • Within the link itself, you can modify the amount after “Goal=”, or the title after “Title=”, etc.
    • If you have received large corporate sponsorships by cheque which are not to be attributed to any specific participant, then you can add the amount to your thermometer link by changing "Add=0" to "Add=5000" (for a sponsorship of $5000). This amount will not be listed in your GiftTool reports, it is simply a way for your category thermometer to display your current online & offline donations.
  8. The thermometer will be automatically updated anytime a donation is made online or an offline pledge has been entered into the system for any Pledge-a-thon associated with this category.

NOTE: To automatically pull Pledge-a-thon fundraising data from GiftTool to your application with a data request, use the Pledge-a-thon thermometer API.

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