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Third Party Fundraising Events

Creating a "Third Party Events" in Pledge-a-thon is a great 'no effort' way for charities to allow their supporters to create their own local fundraising events, using the power of the internet to raise more money.

For example:

  • A University swim team might have a fundraising marathon where they Start a Team for their fundraising event, and each swimmer registers to join the team to get their own fundraising page. All swimmers can login to see how much the team has raised, along with their fundraising success versus other team members!
  • A person wants to cycle across the country to raise funds for the charity.  They might prefer to Join as an Individual to get their own fundraising page, and ask for donations.  They can use their personal message like a blog to keep their supporters up-to-date on their progress as they cycle across the country.

In both cases, the charity is not involved in any of these local events. Instead, all the charity has to do is setup a "Third Party Events" Pledge-a-thon in the system; launch/advertise the Pledge-a-thon on their website; and manage the offline pledges as they come in; sending motivational/thank you emails as required; and advertising the success of each third party fundraiser in their charity newsletter to encourage more next year!

Learn More:

  • See demo - Pledge-a-thon for Third Party Fundraising Events


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