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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Administering Registrants >  

How do I modify the answer to an event question?

Once a registrant has completed their online registration, you can update the answers to any questions included in the registration form. By updating a registrant's profile, your reports will be automatically updated with the new information as well.

To update an existing response to a question:

  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, click Registrants.
  3. Search for the registrant's profile, and click Profile beside their name.
  4. Click the Edit Answers button in the 'Answers for Order ID:' section.
  5. Modify the answer.
  6. If a new question was added to the form after the participant had registered, select the question next to "Add a question to this order:" and click Add. Provide an answer to the new question.
  7. Click Save Answers.
  8. You can also click Delete to delete any of the existing answers to a question.

To include a response to a new question added to the registration form after the participant had registered:

  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, click Registrants.
  3. Search for the registrant's profile, and click Profile beside their name.
  4. Click the Edit Answers button in the 'Answers for Order ID:' section.
  5. Select the question next to Add a question to this order: and click Add. Provide an answer to the new question.
  6. Click Save Answers.

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