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2012-05-13 - Canadian eTax Receipts issued to credit cardholder name

As of Sunday May 13th, all Canadian eTax Receipts are now issued in the name of the credit cardholder, instead of the first & last name entered by the donor, when a donation is made by credit card.

This will mean that if a donation was made by an individual using a corporate credit card, then the company's name as displayed on the credit card will be used as the "donor name" listed on the Canadian etax receipt, as required by the CRA.

Nevertheless, the individual's first & last name, entered during the donation or registration process, will still be listed in their profile and in all your reports.

If you want to make this point clear to your donors, you can include the following message on your Donation Appeal form:


Please type the full name as it appears on the credit card. Since a tax receipt will be issued using this field, please do not abbreviate the first name, and add a middle initial if applicable (e.g. Sandra B. Smith). If this is a corporate gift, include the company name (e.g. Sandra B. Smith, ABC Company).


Veuillez fournir votre nom complet tel qu'il apparaît sur la carte de crédit. Parce qu'un reçu d'impôt sera émis en utilisant ce champ, s'il vous plaît ne pas abréger le prénom, et ajouter toute autre initiale (ex. Sandrine B. Dubois). Dans le cas d'un cadeau d'entreprise, indiquer aussi le nom de la société (ex. Sandrine B. Dubois, la société ABC).

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