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Managing donors
How do I search for a donation?
How do I search for a donor profile?
How do I change a donor profile?
How do I change a donation order profile?
How do I get copies of confirmation emails to come to me?
How do I view a list of recurring donors?
How do I add a new recurring donor?
How do I add a recurring payment to an existing donor?
How do I view a list of credit cards that are about to expire?
How do I view & update information for a recurring donor?
How do I view a list of recurring donations that were declined?
How do I stop a recurring payment on a future date?
How do I stop & archive a recurring payment immediately?
What should I do when I receive an error notification for a recurring donor?
How do I refund or modify a donation order?
How do I process an extra payment in a calendar month for a recurring donor?
How do I block an IP address used for fraudulent donations?
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Today's Top 10 Articles
How do I create an event?
Use Pledge-a-thon reporting tools to stay organized
2015-10-15 - Automated Pledge-a-thon Notifications
How do I create a Pledge-a-thon?
How can I view & print an invoice?
How do I setup eStore delivery schedules?
How do I transfer my GiftTool data into Raiser’s Edge?
How do I create a Pledge-a-thon waiver?
How do I setup a Return policy?
How does the credit card payment process work?