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> Essentials of Event Registrar > Event waivers >  

How do I add an event waiver?

Event waivers can outline any issues relevant to your organization’s events. A waiver may cover information such as registration eligibility, registration process, transferability to registration, refund policy, charitable tax receipts, liability, or risks associated with event participation.

Note: GiftTool is not an expert in drafting legal waivers. Therefore, you should not interpret, nor rely on, any comments made or correspondence from us as being advice or a recommendation. Instead, please consult a qualified expert to ensure that your waiver meets your legal requirements.

Creating a waiver is a two-step process:

Step 1 - Create an Event Waiver Back to Top
  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Manage Waivers
  3. Click Add a Waiver.
  4. Enter an event Waiver Name in the first text field. This name will be displayed in your list of waivers, and will not be shown to the general public.
  5. Enter your event waiver text into the text field. You can use the HTML editor to add text attributes, paragraph formatting, and colours to your policy.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.
Step 2 - Attach your Event Waiver to your Event Back to Top

Once you have created your event waiver, you must add this waiver to your Event.

  1. From the Setup section of the Registrar menu, click Manage Events and click Change beside the name of the event.
  2. On the light blue Setup tab, click on the grey Waivers tab.
  3. Choose your Waiver from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the Link Text that you want registrants to see when they visit this page (such as View Waiver).
  5. If you Require registrants to accept the waiver before proceeding with registration, choose this option.
  6. Click the Default button to populate the Waiver Section Heading in the text field, which you can change as required.
  7. Click the Default button to populate the Instructions that are shown above the event waiver, which you can change as required.
  8. Click Save as Draft/Active when finished, to save your settings to the system.

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