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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Linking events to your website >  

How do I add an Event Category link to my website?

Copy the category link to your Web site to route visitors to a Web page that lists the events in a particular category. This list will be instantly updated when you add or archive an event. Useful if you don't want to modify your site too often.

  1. From the General Settings section of the Registrar service, choose Web Site Links
  2. Locate the Event Listing Link. There may be more than one if you have other languages and template versions.
  3. Copy the full http:// address (double click the URL link to highlight the text and right-click on the mouse selecting Copy).
  4. Paste the link into a Web browser.
  5. Click on the category title to view only those events in this category.
  6. Copy this new Category Link displayed in the address bar of your Web browser.
  7. Paste the link to a page of your Web site.
    • The link can be associated with an image, button, or text.
    • Test your links once you go live. When testing links do not click submit on the final page to avoid processing your transaction.

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