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About GiftTool APIs

Generate your own custom solutions to meet special data management and other fundraising needs.

While GiftTool offers you extensive flexibility in managing your online operations, your organization may need separate, custom-built services that integrate with the GiftTool solution. With open, secure access to your online transaction data, GiftTool APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) provide your developers the freedom to innovate and develop services that leverage your online activities with your overall mission.

Available GiftTool APIs:

  • Custom Orders Report API: An API is automatically generated for each Custom Orders report you create, allowing you to automatically pull transaction data into your own application or other database with a data request. See instructions
  • Data Share API: Automatically have GiftTool push data to your Fundraiser Software database when an online transaction or order modification occurs (across all GiftTool services). Learn more about setting up an automatic data share with FundRaiser Software.
  • Pledge-a-thon Thermometer API: Automatically pull Pledge-a-thon fundraising data from GiftTool to your website or application with a data request. See instructions

Also available:

  • RSS event feeds: When subscribed to the Event Registrar service, you can add an RSS feed for upcoming events to your website or blog. See instructions

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