Books > Help Center > Memberships > Essentials of Membership > Setting up a password-protected Member's Site >  

What can members do with their password?

When signing up online for the first time, a member is prompted to create their password, which they can use to:

  1. Login to their account, assuming your account has been setup for the password-protected Member's Site (additional fees apply). This allows a member to:
    • Update their profile with a new password and contact information;
    • Access your multi-media content and PDF documents;
    • Select their interests;
    • View their signed waivers;
    • Post a comment to a Blog for all to see;
    • Ask the Expert;
    • Post their favourite web links for the benefit and rating of other members.
  2. Retrieve their forgotten passwords. Passwords should be 8 characters or longer.
  3. Access discount pricing for your events, assuming you have setup your events to require members to enter their password in order to register for discounted pricing.
  4. Renew their membership.


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