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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Administering Registrants >  

How do I modify or cancel an event registration order?

Modify or cancel event registration orders in the BackOffice from a registrant's profile.

  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, click Registrants.
  3. Search for the registrant's profile, and click Profile beside their name.
  4. Click Modify Order in the Event Orders section (this button will only appear if the original order took place within 120 days).
  5. Make any necessary changes to reflect what the order should now be:

Page 1:

  • If applicable, change the Registrant Type.
  • Click Next to continue or Save Registrant Type if this is the only change you wish to make to the order.

Page 2:

  • Modify the number in the relevant quantity box(es). For example, change the quantity to 0 if you are cancelling a registration. This will put a space back into inventory. NOTE: Only modify the dollar amount if the price is changing. If you change the price to $0 instead of changing the quantity to 0, the registrant will still be registered for this option, free of charge.
  • Enter any applicable cancellation fees, credits or discounts. Enter a short description and specify if they are taxable.
  • Click Next

Page 3:

  • The Total will reflect the new total dollar amount of the order.
  • See the following scenarios based on whether a credit card is involved in the refund or not:

Scenario 1 - no credit card involved

If the dollar amount has not changed, or if the order was not paid by credit card: 

    1. Click Submit Changes to record the change to your GiftTool database


Scenario 2 – automatically refund the credit card

To automatically have your payment gateway process the credit card refund (available through certain payment gateways only):

    1. Select ”Record this order and refund $____ to the credit card”
    2. Click Submit Changes.


Scenario 3 – refund the credit card through your payment gateway

If you cannot refund the credit card automatically for any reason (you get an error message, or the refund option is not available), then follow these instructions to refund the credit card through your payment gateway:

    1. In a different browser, login to your payment gateway to refund the credit card manually.
    2. Then, in the blue box select “or just record this order" to update your GiftTool database.
    3. Click Submit Changes.
    4. To keep your Balance Due column up-to-date, record the amount refunded through your payment gateway, along with the gateway approval code, in the offline payments section of the registrant's profile.



  • Modifying the order will create a new order entry in your reports, to ensure a historical trail of all past transactions. The Order Status of the new order entry will be listed as either: 
    • Reversed when the money has been successfully refunded to the cardholder by your payment gateway.
    • Cancelled in your GiftTool database only, when the credit card has not been automatically refunded. 
  • A confirmation email is NOT sent to the registrant once you have modified/cancelled their order. Instead, you can use the Send Messages function to send an email to one or more registrants with your personalized message,. Check the boxes at the bottom of your email message to automatically include the updated order confirmation details specific to each registrant.
  • For cancelled registrants, you can change their profile status to Archived, which will allow you to filter your Total Orders report by Active registrants only.
  • GiftTool fees for modifying a registration are the same as any transaction.

Learn more about cancelling transactions for other services: Membership, Donations, Pledge-a-thon, Shopping Cart.

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