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Essentials of Pledge-a-thon
Managing Pledge-a-thon donors, participants & teams
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Managing Pledge-a-thon donors, participants & teams
What is the difference between participants, donors & pledgers?
How do I search for a participant or online donor?
How do I modify a participant's profile?
How do I modify the answer to a Pledge-a-thon question?
How do I delete a participant?
How do I modify the contact information for an online donor?
How do I modify the contact information for an offline donor?
How do I change the profile of a team?
How do I add a Team?
How do I move someone to another team?
How do I change the team leader?
How do I delete a team?
How do I remove someone from a team?
What if an existing team member wants to start a new team?
Can I resend an email confirmation?
How do I send emails to participants & team leaders?
Why does the pay by cheque option not always appear during registration?
Can participants register without an email address?
What are the common problems when participants upload email addresses?
How do I suspend a personal fundraising page?
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Today's Top 10 Articles
Why was this transaction declined?
How do I add a general sponsorship to the thermometer?
How do I change the coordinator receiving copies of tax receipts?
How does the credit card payment process work?
How do I use Copy to create a new membership registration form?
Is there a playground to send sample API data?
How do I split the content of a cell in my Excel spreadsheet into multiple cells?
How do I setup my account for eTax Receipts?
Creating a table within the HTML editor